The New ‘Game Of Thrones’ Trailers Seem To Confirm A Killer Fan Theory

In a recent trailer for Game of Thrones Season 5, there’s a quick shot of Littlefinger ominously telling Sansa, “There is no justice in this world. Avenge them.” When paired with previous comments made by actress Sophie Turner, telling In Style that Sansa will spot “a few familiar faces,” it’s clear that there’s something big in store for Little Bird this year.

Naturally, there’s a fan theory, and it’s actually pretty sound. Spoiler alert for A Dance with Dragons: In book five, that bastard Ramsay Bolton marries Arya Stark, except it’s not Arya, it’s Jeyne Poole, Sansa’s best friend. The union is made to give the Boltons a stronger claim to the North, except things spectacularly backfire when Stark loyalist Wyman Manderly, whose son was murdered in the Red Wedding, serves three pies at the wedding feast filled with dead Freys.

The moral here is to never attend a wedding, ever.

There’s more to the scene, of course, but for the purpose of the show, all you need to know is that it seems likely that Sansa will return to Winterfell, which she isn’t close to doing in Dance, to fill the roles of both “Arya” and Wyman, “baking some of her enemies into pies and serving them up to her other enemies,” according to Vanity Fair. Hence Littlefinger’s “avenge them.”

Sansa can even be seen walking through the Winterfell crypts in the trailer released on Tuesday.

She’s come a long way from worrying about not being able to give Joffrey enough sons.

Via Vanity Fair