Emilia Clarke Wants To Do ‘Something Sexual’ With Channing Tatum And His Wife

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Big-time actors and actresses are just like us; even they get starstruck when meeting up with other mega blockbuster superstars and end up saying silly things. Take, for example, this story from everyone’s favorite mother of dragons, Emilia Clarke, also known as Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones. She tells Harper’s Bazaar that she jokingly tried to get some sexual sugar from power couple Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan (kidding/not kidding):

“Someone took a fantasy in my head and played it in real life,” Clarke remembers. “I was at a Golden Globes after-party and Channing Fucking Tatum came up to me, and his stunning missus, Jenna. And they said, ‘We call each other ‘moon of my life’ and ‘my sun and stars’ and all that.’ And I was like, ‘I cannot contain this. Please, can we all have something sexual together? You’re both beautiful, even just a hug.’ “

How many times has this line gone over like a fart in church over human history? I bet Clarke heard that one from some fedora-wearing neckbeard at Comic-Con (no, not George R.R. Martin — he wears a Greek fisherman’s cap) and subconsciously carried it forward to this meeting. Except it may have worked for her because she follows the golden rules of seduction: Rule 1: Be attractive. Rule 2: Don’t be unattractive.

Alas, those rules get more complicated when you add in people like Channing Tatum and his wife Jenna. On a scale of 1 to 10, they’re 12s, and “Be attractive” is relative. Even adding in all of Clarke’s supplemental Game of Thrones swagger and eyebrow game, she’s probably only pushing 9. And what kind of response would C-Tates get bringing a single-digit woman to a double-digit sex-mansion party? I think they revoke your Illuminati swinging card for breaches of etiquette like that.

(Via Harper’s Bazaar)