Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson recently urged Ted Cruz supporters to “rid the Earth” of gay marriage supporters. Now he’s turned to protecting bathroom laws like HB2, North Carolina’s measure against letting transgender people use the bathroom they want, and wants your money in order to do so.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Robertson sent an email to various conservatives this weekend making his stance clear on who should use which bathroom, and then providing a link to, asking for donations to help Phil speak out for such a stance. Notably, the website is also run by Citizens United, the conservative non-profit behind that Supreme Court ruling not allowing the government to restrict the money that corporations and other organizations spent to support or oppose political candidates.
Here are Robertson’s views as laid out in the email:
“Men should use the men’s bathroom and women should use the women’s bathroom,” Robertson says in the email. “Just because a man may ‘feel’ like a woman doesn’t mean he should be able to share a bathroom with my daughter, or yours. That used to be called common sense. Now it’s called bigoted.”
In his email, Robertson also criticizes the “mob mentality of political correctness” that is eroding “Judeo-Christian values that led America to greatness.” Scoffing at people who “feel like” they’re a certain gender, then not letting them use the bathroom they’re comfortable with, is a way to protect those values, apparently.
(via Hollywood Reporter)