Party Of 5 Million: Jennifer Love Hewitt Sure Thinks Her Boobs Are Worth A Lot

In case you missed it, the second season of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s The Client List started last night, which is why they’ve allowed JLo Ho to leave her anti-gravity hyperbaric chamber and speak again. Under the first clause of her Lifetime contract, of course, Hewitt is required to allude to a hand job once per interview and mention her boobs at least 4.5 times per minute. In an interview with USA Today, where she’s asked to keep her boob mentions G-Rated, Ms. Lo Ho gave a video interview (because a print interview can’t capture the same level of insipidness), where she made some frivolous comment about insuring her boobs for $2.5 million apiece, which I — and many other outlets — will completely blow out of proportion and basically use it as an excuse to post cleavage shots of Hewitt because COMMERCE.

Via Radar:

“I need like, an insurance invitation. If somebody was like, ‘Hey, you know what? We would like to insure your boobs for $2.5 million dollars,’ I’d be like, ‘Do it. Love it! Why not?’ “ She pointed to her chest and laughed, “These things right here are worth $5 million!”

*flirt* *flirt* *giggle* *giggle*

Among the other scintillating, thought-provoking, mindbending tidbits that Ms. Love Hewitt offered was the revelation that she prefers soft cotton T-shirts to lingerie at home because, you know, she has to wear matching panty sets all day, and that her 86-year-old grandmother liked to call her “The TV Ho” because grandmothers are adorable.

And for suffering through all 244 words of text, here’s your reward.