The Daily Show scheduled one hell of a week to be on hiatus, what with last week’s government shutdown developments and the continuing Obamacare website difficulties. But don’t worry, Jon Stewart and company came out swinging when they finally got their chance on Monday evening.
Stewart started by railing against the failure to competently roll out Obamacare via This is something he touched on before the show’s hiatus, but given an additional week to seethe and more information on the tech disaster, he was able to give the humiliating situation a just and proper shaming.
Jon saved plenty of rage for the President’s reaction to the breakdown. His undressing of yesterday’s bizarre press conference and photo op aimed at calming the masses is just as spirited, and it contains a fantastic Simpsons reference.
The mockery continued when Stewart checked in on John Oliver’s attempt to access, only to find he’d been sucked into a Tron-like cyber-bureaucratic nightmare.