Laura Dern Tells Kelly And Michael About The Time Her Dog Menstruated On Scott Baio

Laura Dern was a guest on LIVE with Kelly and Michael this morning to support the film Wild, but as fans of the energetic morning show already know, the conversation is never all about the movie. Instead, Dern told the story of how she met 70s and 80s heartthrob Scott Baio for the first time on the set of the 1980 film Foxes, and the hunk of an actor was wearing a really classy “Saturday Night Fever-like” white leisure suit. “It was so awesome,” she told the hosts, describing what it was like for a pre-teen girl to be in the same room with a guy that all girls would have killed to meet back then.

Unfortunately, the meeting took a really awkward turn, as Dern’s dog jumped on Baio, which wasn’t a problem since the actor “loved dogs, of course.” Instead, the problem was that Dern’s dog was a female and was menstruating at the time, which obviously didn’t go well with a white suit. Michael Strahan’s reaction says it all.

Let’s go to the closed caption screen cap for further review…

And finally, to really drive the point home, here’s the Vine version:

[protected-iframe id=”fd1c8964cca9113c7642666c97ee41ec-60970621-60085469″ info=”” width=”650″ height=”650″ frameborder=”0″]

Dern also shared the story last month, and she claimed that she tried to scrub the stain out of Baio’s suit with club soda, but she has “never seen him again.” We will most certainly be reaching out to Baio for his version of this wonderful story.