Renee Olstead Is About to Be a Lot More Famous

When I woke up this morning, I had no idea who Renee Olstead was. Now she’s one of my favorite actresses, and I’m even thinking about watching “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” because of her. That’s because nude photos of her have leaked online, and they are the leaked photos to trump all other leaked photos. I hope other sexy young actresses are taking notes, because “redhead” and “lingerie” and “shower” and “sex toys” and “gratuitous piercings” are a direct ticket to my undying love and respect.

I’ve got a few of the leaked photos below the cut, and they walk the line between what is and isn’t safe for work. Actually, they’re probably NOT safe for work, but they’re relatively tame compared to the entire set of photos, which you should only view in the privacy of your own home, far away from children and the disapproving gaze of your wife. The secret life of the American teenager, indeed. ABC Family is gonna be thrilled with these.