The 10 Best GIFs From Last Night’s NBC Comedies

I bet deep down, April loves DMB. When she’s home alone and knows no one will be around to judge her, especially Ben, she ditches her sarcastic facade, and BLASTS (and air drums to) “Ants Marching.” Only Champion knows for sure. Anyway, after the jump, THINGS about Jim and Parks GIFs.

  • The Office: Jim Halpert is an asshole. In the back of my mind, I’ve always known this, but for years, I could look past it because his “will they, won’t they” and subsequent engagement to Pam made him an endearing enough character. But in the past few seasons, he’s just been a straight-up dick, and last night was a perfect example of this. Yeah, Dwight’s not the greatest guy in the world, but completely unprovoked, Jim decides to f*ck with him in an, I’ll admit, clever prank, but a cruel one nonetheless. And not the kind of cruel that the original BBC series excelled at; there were no repercussions, awkward looks, extended dance sequences, or grand punchline for the radio stunt Jim & Co. pulled. Just a near suicidal Dwight calling the company CEO, followed by a literal round of applause, as if to celebrate their cruelty. Should The Office try to make Pete the new Jim — which is something it seems like they’re doing; I’m on board with it, too, because Andy, a.k.a. the new Roy, does NOT deserve Erin — keep him far away from the old Jim. I found “The Boat” to be enjoyable while it aired (the unacknowledged sight gag of Kevin stripped down with Dwight had me rolling), but later, when I thought about what I was laughing at, I realized most of these people, from Oscar’s relationship with Angela’s boyfriend to Andy deserting Erin to the aforementioned Dwight drama, are monsters. Except for Stanley and Creed. They don’t care.
  • Parks and Recreation: “Ben’s Family” was as good as this waitress’s hair smelled nice.

Picard > Kirk. Also, GIFs.

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