50 Objects That Look A Little Like Jesus

As thousands of Harold Camping’s followers have changed their personal planners to highlight October 21 as the new date of the Rapture, a woman in a Chicago suburb believes that something big happened on May 21 after all. Gricelda Chavez recently discovered a small turtle and planned to simply take it to a lake and set it free. Instead, the turtle rolled over and revealed on its belly… the Virgin Mary. There you have it, friends – a holy turtle. It may not be the rapture, but it’s something for Camping and his followers to feel good about. You know, instead of remembering that they spent all of their money for nothing.

Turtles are only the beginning, too, as people all over the world are constantly finding holy images, namely Jesus or the Virgin Mary, in the most random objects. Thanks to the wonderful (and sadly inactive) Stuff That Looks Like Jesus, as well as dozens of actual, honest-to-goodness news reports, we can enjoy some of the holiest inanimate objects. SPOILER ALERT: Wood apparently looks a lot like Jesus.









*This one sold on eBay for $1,500!


*Currently listed on eBay for $8,000!





































