A Bank Robber Unsurprisingly Got Caught After Documenting His Bank Robbing On Instagram

As tempting as it is to summarize this story by just writing SMDH, I suppose I can elaborate. On Monday afternoon, around 1:20 p.m., the 23-year-old guy in the above mugshot, Dominyk Antonio Alfonseca, allegedly entered a Virginia Beach bank and handed a suspicious note to the teller asking for money. Alfonseca documented the process by taking a picture of the note and recording the actual incident as it took place. After the teller complied with his note, he then took the money and ran.

When Alfonseca was caught by police just 20 minutes later, he had already posted the incriminating evidence to his Instagram account. But, as Alfonseca told Virginia Beach’s NewsChannel 3, it was to absolve himself of any wrongdoing, you see. Because he didn’t rob the bank, he just asked for the money. Uh huh.

“I don’t know how I’m a robber because I asked for it. She could have said no, and I could have left,” he says. He says he posted it on Instagram to protect himself from police who may have said he was armed. He also wanted to show his social media followers what he was doing.

“I handed the letter to the woman. I recorded her as it was happening, you know,” says Alfonseca.

If you’re not already convinced that this guy is the worst person in the entire world, when NewsChannel 3 spoke to Alfonseca from behind bars, he wanted to give shout outs to “Michelle Obama, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga.” Is anyone surprised that the guy who posted video of himself allegedly robbing a bank on social media is a Justin Bieber fan?




Alfonseca is apparently talking about his case to any news agencies who will listen, so that should help him out when it goes to trial.

(Via BroBible)