A Compendium of Cool Comics Cosplay: March 30th

It’s time once again for our Friday comic book cosplay feature, casting the spotlight on the best comics related costumery from the cosplay community.  We’re focusing on those cosplayers who we think deserve special recognition for coming up with the best costumes, whatever the budget, and the photographers who capture them for posterity.

Gamma Squad is committed to giving a voice to the cosplay community that thrives in groups like our friends at TheSuperheroCostumingForum.com. Each week we spotlight our favorite costumes and each month we host a cosplay contest. We’ll be picking a theme for each month and inviting cosplayers, costumers and photographers to submit related pictures of their work to our Flickr group to be considered. We’ll then pick our top choices and post them on Gamma Squad for the adoration of all.

The theme for the upcoming month is:

  • The Super Family and Friends

For now, enjoy this week’s selection!

Genderbent Justice League as cosplayed by United Underworld (Roxanna Meta, Rogue Shindler, Claire Max, Catherine Pow, Tallest Silver, Clyde Max, Mia Ballistic, Little Hotshot, Tat Zee and John Austin). Source: Facebook

Dark Phoenix cosplayer at Wondercon 2012. Photo by Erik Estrada. Submitted

Karnilla cosplay by Stabitha of The Superhero Costuming Forum. Source: The SCF

Ultimate Spider-man cosplayer at Wondercon 2012. Photograph by San Diego Shooter. Source: Flickr

Daredevil versus Wonderwoman at Wondercon 2012. Photo and cosplay by 1derwoman. Source: Flickr

Shadowcat and Lockheed at Megacon 2012 via Frank of The Superhero Costuming Forum.

Vampirella cosplayer at Wondercon 2012. Photograph by Gandroid. Source: Flickr

Captain Deadpool and Bucky/Nomad at Wondercon 2012. Photo by Erik Estrada. Submitted

Poison Ivy cosplayed by Candice McLaughlin. Photography by Andy Wana. Source: Flickr

Little Tintin and Snowy at Wondercon 2012. Photograph by Doug Kline. Via PopCultureGeek.com