It’s time once again for our Friday comic book cosplay feature, casting the spotlight on the best comics related costumery from the cosplay community. We’re focusing on those cosplayers who we think deserve special recognition for coming up with the best costumes, whatever the budget, and the photographers who capture them for posterity.
This week we’re featuring some awesome cosplay of Batgirl, Spoiler, Batman, Poison Ivy, Robin, Harley Quinn, The Riddler, Phoenix, Bane, Black Cat, Superman, Scarlet Spider, Lois Lane, Spider-woman, Booster Gold and more!
Gamma Squad is committed to giving a voice to the cosplay community that thrives in groups like our friends at Each week we spotlight our favorite costumes and in addition we also host a regular cosplay contest, with the results forming a special theme week. We invite cosplayers, costumers and photographers to submit pictures of their work that relates to the theme (or any cosplay in general!) to our Flickr group to be considered. We’ll then pick our top choices and post them on Gamma Squad for the adoration of all.
Our current theme is:
- Indie and Small Press Cosplay
For now, enjoy this week’s selection!
Dark Avengers – Pirata Dandi Cosplay as Ms Marvel, Cappela as Hawkeye, Andy as Sentry, Ricardo as Iron Patriot, Balboa as Ares. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Cosplay Group.
Rorscharch cosplayer at Kapow 2012. Photograph by Carlos F. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Cosplay Group
Scarlet Witch cosplay by Denby Jorgensen. Costume, wig, and all by Kathleen Sera. Source: Flickr
Batman and Batgirl at C2E2 2012 by Bob Kieffer. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Cosplay Group.
Scarlett cosplay at Megacon 2011 by sonikku10. Source: Flickr
Zatanna as cosplayed by Cheryl Wild. Photograph by Bill Hinsee. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Cosplay Group.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at Dragon*Con 2011. Photograph by mchulin. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Cosplay Group.
Robins at Megacon 2012 photographed by Patcave. Via The Superhero Costuming Forum.
Death cosplay, submitted via the Gamma Squad Flickr group. Photograph by greyloch. Source: Flickr
Black Widow on Park Avenue by Doug Bost. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Cosplay Group.