I hate even typing the words “Westboro Baptist Church” because that’s exactly what they want: media attention. That’s why they’re planning to picket the funeral of Robin Williams, a great man who they’ve dubbed a “fag pimp” for starring in The Birdcage and for talking to a gay woman once, probably. But this post isn’t about them — it’s about something good coming out of something horrible.
Planting Peace, a nonprofit organization founded in 2004 with a mission to spread love and equality around the globe, is set on challenging WBC’s planned protest with a fundraiser.
“Robin Williams played many different roles in so many people’s lives, and giving back to others was at the top of that list,” Aaron Jackson, co-founder of Planting Peace told the Huffington Post. “His appeal crossed generational boundaries. I was personally impacted when I heard of his passing. This is a small gesture to honor his legacy and the difference he made to so many.”
“When the WBC announced they were protesting Robin’s funeral, we felt like launching a fundraiser for a charity Robin loved would be the perfect way to honor him and counteract the message of hate and intolerance that the WBC continues to convey,” Jackson said.
Proceeds from the fundraiser will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Hospital, which Williams was a big supporter of. So don’t hate the WBC — they’re not worth it. Spend that time doing something good.