Washington D.C.’s Equinox restaurant hosts a Sunday, fixed price vegan brunch buffet, and a special offer they’ve got going on right now is to complete your dish with shavings of a pricey, rare white Alba truffle for just $20 extra. Ellen Kassoff Gray — who co-owns the restaurant with her husband Todd — has been featuring the truffles in a glass case to promote the special, however during a recent Sunday brunch she spied one of the truffles on a diner’s plate as she was passing through the dining room. With a giant bite out of it.
The Washington Post writes:
Kassoff Gray politely approached the diner, who told her she didn’t like the taste and suggested the chef salvage the unbitten part.
“I took it over to Todd and showed him, and he said, ‘That’s a $300 bite!’” Kassoff Gray says. “It was one of the costs we had to eat, literally.”
Well at least they took it fairly well. Seriously though, I don’t know who is at fault here. The restaurant owners who left their valuable truffle out in a case where it could be happened upon by any old clueless restaurant patron, or the clueless restaurant patron who saw something enclosed in a glass case and just assumed that it was put there on the earth for them.
Either way, I know what the Sea Captain would think:
(Washington Post via SF Gate)