Another mutant in X-Men: Days of Future Past was revealed on Twitter this weekend. Bryan Singer tweeted a picture (below) of castmembers in personalized jerseys for a hockey game in Montreal, where the film is shooting. One of the guys was a not-yet-announced mutant. That’s Adan Canto on the far right, joined by Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Bryan Singer, and Shawn Ashmore.
As for which mutant Adan Canto is playing, the Mexican-born actor dropped a huge hint on Twitter last week when he replied to a question about his new project with, “I might turn into a ball of fire if someone pisses me off.”
Although there’s more than one flaming mutant, our money is Sunspot (Roberto da Costa), a Brazilian mutant who was in the original draft of the X-Men: First Class script. Singer wrote that draft and didn’t write the final draft which cut out the character, so it stands to reason he still wants Sunspot in the storyline. That’s the flaming mutant which makes the most sense right now, but we’ll just have to wait for an official confirmation. Sidenote: “flaming mutant” was totally my nickname in high school. Good times.
(H/T: Bleeding Cool)