After the problematic AB1576 bill that would have required porn actors to wear condoms was indefinitely put in suspense last August, the California adult-film industry is once again being put in jeopardy. On Wednesday, Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation which had championed the former bill, announced that his organization had collected enough signatures (557,136, which is 185,000 more than needed) to put a measure on California ballots next November that would give voters the power to decide whether adult film actors have to wear condoms.
The measure is very similar to the one that was passed in Los Angeles in 2012, and if it goes through, would have a crippling effect on the porn industry, likely costing California tens of millions of dollars in tax revenue per year.
In addition to requiring actors to wear condoms when performing sex acts on camera, the initiative would require adult film producers to pay for vaccinations and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. Producers would have to get a state health license and post written notices on the set spelling out the condom requirement.
Violations could result in fines of up to $70,000.
To fully understand how pointless and dumb this initiative is, it’s worth mentioning that there there has not been an adult industry-related transmission of HIV since 2004, and very strict regulations are already in place that test actors every 14 days. But sure, Californians, vote your little hearts out if you hate hardcore penetration and tax money.