Now that the entire world has fallen in love with Kacy Catanzaro, who kicked the American Ninja Warrior obstacle course’s ass as thoroughly as Sonny did Carlo in The Godfather, it’s time we got to know her. Simply put, she’s the best. Catanzaro, who I’m fairly certain is the third Mara sister, spoke to Vulture, and she sounds as excited as we were watching her performance.
I think the first thing people will want to know is: how does it feel to be so amazing?
Oh, stop it. It does feel really, really great. You know, I’ve worked so hard and it’s been a dream come true. And obviously, I want to do these things to prove to myself, but like I’ve said before, I also wanted to make these big steps for everyone, for all the women out there and for everybody else that thinks that they can’t do something or that they have an excuse. Ever since I’ve been watching the show – I used to watch it when it was in Japan – and then ever since there’s been American Ninja Warriors, the main thing has always been obviously that no American has made it to the top in Japan. But it’s also been that no woman has even completed the qualifying course. So it was like, oh, I wish that we could make that happen.
Your background is as a gymnast. Can you just do backflips, like at will, just standing?
Um, yeah! I mean, not like super crazy backflips, but I can do a back-tuck and land it if we’re standing on the grass. Not as cool as any of these parkour guys that bust out and do it, but I could do a flip if I had to.
I could do that if I wanted to. But I, um, don’t wanna show Kacy up. Yeah, let’s go with that.