Earlier this year, we covered those rumors about “Thor and Catwoman fighting sentient robots for Steven Spielberg.” Now Anne Hathaway has officially signed to star in Robopocalypse, opening April 25th, 2014. Empire reports Ben Whishaw (who recently played Q in Skyfall) is also on board, while Chris Hemsworth is still being pursued for a part. Yes, Robopocalypse may star Catwoman, Q, and Thor. Fighting robots.
“If Robopocalypse happens I will be in it,” [Anne Hathaway] tells Empire, “and I believe it’s quite real, though you never want to hang your hat on anything.” Keeping mum on her character (“I’m back in Secretville”), Hathaway elaborated on the allure of the project. “Whenever I’m taking time off, I always joke to my team that I’m on vacation unless Steven Spielberg calls. And I was on vacation and Spielberg called. So I was like, ‘OK, put my money where my mouth is’.” [Empire]
The story of Robopocalypse is — prepare to be shocked — one of robot apocalypse. It’s based on the novel by Daniel H. Wilson which was adapted for the screen by Drew Goddard (Cabin in the Woods). Empire says Goddard’s script will “deviate significantly from the source material”, which is good since there are very few female characters in the book, and none of them are a particularly great fit for Anne Hathaway. Hopefully the adapted version of the story follows a cat-burgler-turned-robot-hunter named Celina Keil, and she collects leather bodysuits as well. Just spitballin’ here.