Anonymous Will Soon Launch A Full-Scale Attack On Fox News

Well this should be fun! Anonymous posted the ominous-sounding video above to YouTube announcing its plans for “destroying the Fox News website” in response to the negative coverage the network has offered up in regard to Occupy Wall Street. The mission is titled “Operation Fox Hunt.”

Here’s the full transcript:

Citizens of the world and the internet.

We are Anonymous.

Fox News is now the target of Anonymous because of their continued propaganda against the Occupations.

Those such as Sean Hannity are attacking the credentials as well as the character of the Occupiers at Wall Street and this can no longer be allowed.

Anonymous introduces Operation Fox Hunt.

Anonymous intends on destroying the Fox News website because their continued right wing conservative propaganda can no longer be tolerated.

They use words such as filthy, disgusting, and dirty to describe the protesters.

Since they will not stop the-Occupiers

We will simply shut them down.

On November fifth we as those that are able to commence attacks on Fox News.

Anonymous will not only shut down Fox News we will also engage in a propaganda campaign of our own to show them how it feels to be chastised.

Fox News your time has come.

Operation Fox Hunt.

November Fifth may the hunt begin.

We are Anonymous.

We are legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us.

Certainly, the LIBRUL MEDIA put the hackers up to this!

(HT: Nerve)