The Internet caters to any and every desire, no matter how obscure or perverse. Want to listen to a forgotten 1969 record by a proto-punk band from Alabama? There’s a bootleg for that. Ever wonder what it might be like if Justified‘s Boyd and Raylan made sweet, sweet love in a coalmine? There’s a story for that. Curious about dogs wearing pantyhose? Oh, you best believe there’s a meme for that. Says Kotaku, it’s called “Gou gou chuan siwa.”
According to Chinese site Sina, “bored” people on Weibo started the meme. Apparently, Weibo user Ulatang, who noted that the pets rolled their eyes after getting dressed in pantyhose, uploaded the first “dogs wearing pantyhose” pic (above). That image has been commented on over 16,000 times in China.
And, of course, many more pics from other folks followed. (Via)
They sure did.
That last one’s called, “I Like It Ruff.”