This Roomba-Riding Baby Will Turn Your Frown Upside Down

Babies may not be able to match the internet cute factor of kittehs in all situations, but I would posit that when it comes to Roomba riding, young children put up a pretty good fight. Take a look at this confused kid getting taken for a Roomba tour of his living room, with E-40’s classic “Tell Me When to Go” playing over top.

Copycat parents take note: You may want to ensure that your kid has a solid sitting posture before recreating this video. My helicopter parent senses were tingling from the second I hit play. How is this kid not taking a rolling fall off the Roomba and smacking his head every 10 seconds? Perhaps the parents are waiting awhile before putting out part two featuring bloopers and a GoFundMe drive to fix his lumpy skull.

So, yeah: Don’t try this at home… at least not without duct tape and/or a helmet.

(via the Daily Dot)