Meme Watch: Batmanning Is The New Planking Is The New … You Get The Point

First it was planking, then it was owling, and most recently horsemaning was the big photo fad. At some point, people will run out of ways to photograph themselves in dumb still positions. Perhaps that end all is finally upon us: Batmanning. The latest fad for those crazy kids involves hanging upside down from any random ledge, door, wall, or generally flat surface while keeping a stiff appearance. Quick pointer — do not try this in a women’s restroom unless you’re ready to end up planking in jail.
As for the practicality of these stunts — hey, some kids choose to learn instruments and become rock stars, and some choose to become doctors and cure cancer. Others just want to hang upside down from doors. Who are we to deny the dreams of the children of the Internet era?

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