Did you watch Tuesday night’s Vice Presidential debate between Senator Tim Kaine and Govenor Mike Pence? If so, it may not have escaped your notice that Kaine brought up Trump’s referring to Mexican immigrants as rapists, and Pence replied with, “You whipped out that Mexican thing again.”
And with that, the internet let out a collective, “¿Qué?”
Pence: #ThatMexicanThing pic.twitter.com/yNjlEC9YHj
— Pandamic🐼 (@pandazed) October 5, 2016
The Clinton campaign reacted quickly; the website ThatMexicanThing.com now redirects to the official Clinton-Kaine website.
Twitter was also quick to send #ThatMexicanThing trending, filling the hashtag with personal stories, angry responses, and jokes.
We’ll start with the jokes, because people were definitely having fun face-palming about such a casual dismissal of Trump’s racist as hell track record.
#ThatMexicanThing pic.twitter.com/nN7vkakg5P
— Richard Stark (@RichardEStark) October 5, 2016
Other people brought up contrasts between their family and Donald Trump:
#ThatMexicanThing is my taxpaying grandfather and his four brothers collectively serving in three wars. Your boss dodged them all.
— Inteligent Idiot (@IntlligentIdiot) October 5, 2016
#ThatMexicanThing where undocumented immigrants pay more taxes than @realDonaldTrump does. #VPDebate
— Pili Tobar (@pilitobar87) October 5, 2016
The hashtag also brought out inspiring stories about people working hard for a better life for their family:
#ThatMexicanThing is my Dad who came to US, worked the Red Line as brakeman, worked each day of his life & died of Lung Cancer from Asbestos
— C'estMoi! (@mostwiselatina) October 5, 2016
You know #thatmexicanthing is my dad working from picking onions to becoming a school administrator.
— Felisa Cardona (@felisacardona) October 5, 2016
#ThatMexicanThing where my mom has worked as a housekeeper for 25 yrs because her dream is to see her family's dreams come true. #VPDebate
— Gabe Ortíz (@TUSK81) October 5, 2016
#ThatMexicanThing was my dad working in the fields from age 8 to help feed his family
— Nicole Huerta (@mamaluvsdev) October 5, 2016
#ThatMexicanThing was my neighbor who works 100 hrs a week to send his kids to a decent private school. #VPDebate
— PA08Voter (@PA08Voter) October 5, 2016
And some used the hashtag to vent their anger.
#ThatMexicanThing is being born in the US but still told by racists to "Go back to Mexico"
— Lalo Alcaraz (@laloalcaraz) October 5, 2016
#ThatMexicanThing is going to keep you away from the White House.
Mi voz. Mi voto.#votoLatino #nevertrump— Kecelyn 🇵🇷⚽️🏈 (@IamKecelyn) October 5, 2016
(Hat tip to Fusion, BuzzFeed, and Quartz)