This Billboard That Changes When You Look At It Is The Future Of Advertising

In London, a billboard depicting a battered woman is making waves not only for its bold and commendable statement, but for the technology behind it.

The advertisement originally shows a woman with bruises and abrasions all over her face, but as more and more passersby turn to look at the advert, a face recognition program begins lessening the marks on her face until she appears without any abrasions at all. Just imagine the implications this kind of technology — face recognition has been around for a little while now — can have in the realm of advertising. The whole purpose of spending money in magazines, billboards, websites, and more, is to MAKE YOU LOOK. Now, what could ingenious cultivators of the dollar do when they know you are looking? It’s akin to the Google Glass’ ability to play a movie trailer simply by looking at a movie poster, except you don’t need expensive glasses.

Think of the Easter eggs, additional information, website links, Twitter handles, and so much more that can be gleaned from looking at an ad with face recognition technology. How long will it be until the tech is so minuscule that it can be inserted into magazines? Imagine looking at websites that know you’re watching… NOPE. Hate this tech. Kill it with fire.

Via Mashable