Apparently there’s something Election 2012 related going on tonight (a gun show, perhaps?) but between multiple sporting events, NBC Thursday night comedies, and getting my Rum Ham on at 10PM EST, my remote will already be pulling double duty and there will be no time to watch an old guy and young guy see who can not use facts more to their advantage. Instead here’s something election related I’m genuinely interested in: a collection of spiffy Breaking Bad themed political posters by artist Nick Spanos (I assume he’s the bearded fellow illustrated in the buttons).
I would have taken an assorted collection of Pinkman posters varying from “Gatorade Me, B*tch” to “Yeah B*tch, Magnets” and gotten fully behind all platforms (because, seriously you guys, we are falling way behind China in magnets) but below we have several fun alternatives featuring more of your favorite characters. Dammit Marie…
And of course…