Bribery Accusations Threaten To Sully The Good Name Of Miss Bum Bum Brazil

For those of you unfamiliar with the prestigious Miss Bum Bum Brazil pageant, it is a yearly competition that pits some of Brazil’s most empowered and influential young women against each other in order to determine which among them can claim to have the best posterior. We’ve been no stranger to the annual pageant, as With Leather has been one of the world’s foremost leaders in coverage of the event, from the record-setting attendance of the 2011 Bum Bum to last year’s incredible show of sportsmanship between the winner and runner-up. Incredible.

Alas, not all is well in the Miss Bum Bum world. One of this year’s competitors has thrown out some very serious allegations against the 2013 Miss Bum Bum Maria Sousa and first runner-up, Eliana Amaral. According to this jilted peer, these women may have paid a lot of money to win. Simply shocking, I tell you.

“It’s no longer a secret to anyone that Miss Bumbum has been bought and already has a winner, Mari Sousa,” a rival for bodacious butt of the year Poliana Lopes, 23, alleged.

“I’m very sad because the result isn’t deserved, and her bottom isn’t the most beautiful,” she added.

“As you know Miss Bumbum already has a winner (not because of her own merits, but by other means),” said fellow competitor Sheyla Mel, 24, on Twitter.

“I want to thank everyone for voting for me, but we’re in Brazil where everything has a price,” she added. (Via the New York Daily News)

The snitches claimed that Amaral allegedly paid approximately $32,000 to the judges to secure her victory, but then she was outdone by Sousa, who allegedly ponied up even more cash. While the winner only earns $2,500 for her efforts, the royal rump also wins a modeling contract and some very lucrative endorsement deals. I’m not sure what runner-up makes, but it would be kind of hilarious if Amaral really paid that much and was screwed over.

That said, I’ve included the Miss Bum Bum videos for Sousa, Amaral and Lopes below, so we can all judge for ourselves. My verdict? Brazil is fantastic.