Probably one of the most awesome weapons in the entire Alien series was the power loader. Nobody who saw that movie didn’t want to pilot one of those things, possibly because they wanted to see how far they could chuck a Buick.
Well, thanks to Raytheon-Sarcos, out of Utah, you might finally get your wish. OK, probably not, but they did build some awesomely freaky human-controlled robo-arms.
The really neat thing about this system is how it’s connected to the operator. Your shoulders, arms, elbows and wrists are all strapped in, and the system follows your movements exactly. To make up for the obvious lack of touch, force feedback lets the operator know when something is heavier than normal or difficult to move. No word on installing a face cage on it, though. Video under the jump.
[ via the alien-tossers at Gizmodo ]