Carson Daly Most Likely Regrets This Tweet About ‘Lawless Looters’ Ruining Baltimore

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As we’ve learned time and time again, Twitter can be a disaster for public individuals and their quick thoughts or opinions. Once it is posted, it is usually online forever in some form. The latest example is this now deleted Tweet by Carson Daly:

Now this is certainly not Carson Daly’s first run in with controversial comments. He had previously made some comments that many took as homophobic on his radio show regarding a Jet Blue flight incident in 2012. Daly apologized then and this time around, he’s removed the Tweet and attempted to clarify what he meant:

Too little, too late? There were obviously many detractors on Twitter, questioning why Daly was injecting himself into the situation at all:

I’m sure there are those who support his sentiments too, but this sort of situation should serve as a reminder to people in the public eye — Stop and think before you Tweet. This won’t be something that we’ll be seeing on The Orange Room tomorrow morning, I’m sure.

(Via IB Times / Carson Daly)