Cat Fighting Stances and Links

100 Of The Most Ridiculous Yahoo! Answers Posts [Uproxx]

Best Protest Ever? [UproxxNews]

An Awesome Horse, Jessi Slaughter’s Dad Arrested, Etc. [UproxxNews]

Your Glenn Danzig encounters, Swedish ridicule: Frotcast 40 [Filmdrunk]

Pro wrestler tattoo trivia challenge: answers and winners [WithLeather]

The Wire as 19th century literature [WarmingGlow]

Is A Guy Named Earl Sweatshirt Better Than Nas? [TSS]

The Many Faces of Johnny Depp [EgoTV]

Nintendo 3DS Guide [G4TV]

Merlin’s Beard! The Most Epic Moments in LARPing [UGO]

Okay Truck: Reddit’s Gloomy New Meme [Urlesque]

22 Vanity License Plates That Scream “Pull Me Over” [CoedMag]

Juliette Lewis: A Photographic Celebration of White Trash [Pajiba]

Greatest ’80s TV Catchphrases, From ‘Cheers’ to ‘Ninja Turtles’ [TVSquad]

So, why do you have to turn off your electronic devices on an airplane? [Fark]

Donald Glover Live Tweets People Having Sex In A Bank Of America [Buzzfeed]

VIDEO BELOW: This is my fighting pose [via Arbroath]

[Pictures via damnthatswhack and catasters]