Celebrate 420 With These Cats And Links

Twitter users more prone to masturbation, failed relationships.  Speaking of which,

Strangely-buff Dave Chappelle performs for sell-out crowd in San Francisco [Filmdrunk]

President Trump? [UproxxNews]

50 Cats Straight Chillin’ [Uproxx]

“The tornado took my hamburger” [WarmingGlow]

The best and worst of WWE Raw 4/18 [WithLeather]

This Week In F—k You: The NFL Schedulemaker [KSK]

Stone Cold Steve Austin And The Best 10 Minutes On TV [TSS]

Elaborate Nutshot Backfires [CollegeHumor]

Vanessa Hudgens Got Wasted at Coachella [TheSuperficial]

3 New Relationship Statuses Facebook Should Add [CoedMag]

All of the Mortal Kombat Fatalities and Babalities (video) [G4TV]

Valve’s New Portal 2 Merch Includes “Three Turret Moon” T-Shirt [UGO]

Funny Marathon Pictures (warning: one of these cannot be unseen) [EgoTV]

“Dog in milk pants feeds baby goats.” Milk pants? Tell me more. [Urlesque]

VIDEO BELOW: Waldo the kitten sleeps it off. [via Buzzfeed]


[Pictures via animalsondrugs and Reddit]