Chris Webber’s Powerful Interview With Rodney Rogers

Anybody who has followed the NBA the past 15-20 years or so knows who Rodney Rogers is, either by name, face or both. Yet, until maybe two weeks ago, his everyday battle with paralysis following a dirt bike accident years ago was unknown to me. Chris Webber caught up with the 12-year NBA veteran to discuss life with these constrictions, but how his setback leads to finding gifts in and for others.

To be quite honest, the clip is an emotional and powerful roller coaster and one that can have the eyes watering up in no time. Life happens quick, extremely quick. Every so often, we all need a reality check and something explaining to be appreciative of what’s in front of us because someone in the world would trade everything to be in our shoes. This isn’t to say our own problems and issues aren’t important because they are. However, if Rodney Rogers can find the positive in life knowing he’ll likely never walk again, there’s a silver lining in everything.

Kudos to C-Webb for this piece of reporting; another prime example of why he’s made for this TV career long-term. And quadruple the kudos to Rodney and his family for remaining faithful, positive and strong when they had every reason not to.