Following her ill-received LGBTQ pride tweet on Thursday, Ivanka Trump found herself in hot water on the internet yet again — albeit not for something she did. This time, the oldest daughter of the president was being ridiculed online for an article published by CNN titled, “Ivanka Trump: America’s Most Powerful Jewish Woman.” Written by reporter Maeve Reston and produced Betsy Klein, the interactive post argues the title fits Ivanka since she “has long had a special influence on her father” (despite his Paris Climate Agreement decision) while publicly practicing her adopted faith.
The Trump administration’s problematic relationship with anti-Semitism notwithstanding, CNN’s declaration is facing plenty of criticism online, and rightfully so. [And not just because of the highly publicized (and therefore questionable) nature of Ivanka’s commitment to Judaism, which she converted to before marrying Jared Kushner in 2009.] After all, there are plenty of elected and appointed government officials, heads of business, celebrities and other prominent female figures whose power and religion likely elevate their status far above Ivanka’s.
Or as Matthew Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters, quipped on Twitter, “Who wants to tell them about Justices [Elena] Kagan and [Ruth Bader] Ginsburg?”
Who wants to tell them about Justices Kagan and Ginsburg?
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) June 2, 2017
Both were raised by culturally Jewish families to adhere to the tenets of Judaism, and both consider themselves practicing members of the faith. Also, unlike Ivanka, they’re Supreme Court justices. Their names, and many others, came up frequently in a rush of humorous and serious responses critical of the CNN article.
For what it's worth … Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Janet Yellen are all Jewish, and all in America.
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) June 2, 2017
Nope. That's RBG. Thanks for playing.
— Shannon Coulter (@shannoncoulter) June 2, 2017
— Kaili Joy Gray (@KailiJoy) June 2, 2017
CNN just called Ivanka the most powerful Jewish woman in America but my mother begs to differ
— Michelle Collins (@michcoll) June 2, 2017
Jewish women more powerful than Ivanka:
1) Sheryl Sandberg
2) Ruth Bader Ginsberg
3) my mom, who has an extremely high rating on TripAdvisor— Ej Dickson (@ejdickson) June 2, 2017
Ivanka Trump may be the most powerful Jewish woman in America, but she's nowhere near as powerful as Frieza
— respectful huff (@alexqarbuckle) June 2, 2017
Janet Yellen: Hold my beer.
— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell) June 2, 2017
I bet Ivanka doesn't even crack the top 100 most powerful Jewish women. Leaking stories about how she tried to not be awful is all she has.
— Joshua Holland (@JoshuaHol) June 2, 2017
The real most powerful Jewish woman in the world at the best wings place in the world. Take that Ivanka. Cc CNN
— jon greenberg (@jon_greenberg) June 2, 2017
Welp, she blocked THIS Jewish woman, so I guess I'M the most powerful 💪🏻 #BlockedByTrump #Ivanka #WorstFamilyNotFirstFamily #ImpeachTrump
— (((Tara Dublin))), Rock Star Author 📚❤️🔥🤘🏻 (@taradublinrocks) June 2, 2017
She seemingly has no real power of influence over DJT.
Also…I think you forgot about a lot of other powerful Jewish women.— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) June 2, 2017
Let’s not forgot Thursday’s conflicting reports about Ivanka and Kushner’s apparently strict observance of Shavuot. There’s the shot:
Jared and Ivanka were involved with Trump announcement on climate deal, but have been at home observing Jewish holiday of Shavuot, I'm told.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) June 1, 2017
And the chaser (from CNN’s Jim Acosta):
WH official: Jared and Ivanka went to synagogue this morning for Jewish holiday of Shavuot." Ivanka went home to observe. Jared had a mtg.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 1, 2017
(Via CNN)