Columbus Day Cat, Dogs Stroller Racing, and Links

Changes In The UPROXX Media Network’s Commenting System Are A-Comin’ |UPROXX|

Barry Sanders Taking Over For Hank Jr. Is Like Emmitt Smith Taking Over For Hitler |With Leather|

Real Steel Review: A terrifying commercial for a dystopian future |Film Drunk|

Lil Wayne Delivers 30-Minute PSA On His Legacy And Steve Jobs |TSS|

The Best Of ‘Quentin vs. Coen’ Fan Art Masterpieces |UPROXX|

‘Princess Bride’ Cast Reunites on ‘GMA’ |Warming Glow|

Of Course Japan Has A Poop-Powered Motorcycle |UPROXX|

Tara Reid got paid… a fraction of everyone else. |Film Drunk|

Trailer for Reincarnated ‘Beavis & Butt-Head’ |Warming Glow|

Detroit Zoo Creates NFL’s Most Adorable Feud |With Leather|

Rick Ross’ “God Forgives, I Don’t Album” Cover |TSS|

Guilty Dog Is Guilty |I-Am-Bored|

The Ten Best Cartoons From The 80s |Unreality|

Herp Derp Reporter vs. Background Noise |GorillaMask|

The Most Banned Horror Movies in History |Moviefone|

10 Famous People Without Their Famous Facial Hair |Buzzfeed|

Internet Treasures – 12 Best Webcontents of the Week |Adult Swim|

PR2 Robot Fetches Sandwiches, Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Well Spent |Technabob|

“Is She Gonna Powder Her Vagina?” and the Best Lines from NBC’s Thursday Night Comedies |Pajiba|

VIDEO BELOW: Ruger and Rain the dogs are having a stroller race with a girl. Not sure it’s a good idea to teach a dog to push strollers into the street, but it sure is entertaining.

[Pictures via Catasters and fyeahdementia]