In the years following the original Arrested Development run comedy nerds — yours truly included — have been going out of their way to point out to anyone who will listen just how brilliant the show is/was. One common way of going about that on the internet is the good ole easter eggs/buried joke/running gag/layered bit list. They’re everywhere. You can get lost for days in the AD Wikia. Even earlier this week our friends at Splitsider put together quite the comprehensive guide to buried jokes that is a must check out for anyone already nervous about their Instant streaming quality come 2013.
And now with David Cross telling Rolling Stone that what Mitch Hurwitz is doing with the revival of the show is so “layered” that it “makes Lost look like a Spalding Grey monologue” I officially have to get in on the action. But I’m not looking to put together a thesis, just an easily digestible crash course to the subtle, layered jokes that anyone who considers themselves a fan of the Bluths should be aware of going into their much-anticipated return.
Buster’s arm off foreshadowing to kick things off should require no explanation.
Sources: Rolling Stone, Splitsider, The Bluth Company, Unreality
When the narrator cuts over to the Spanish-to-English dictionary definition of “Hermano” in “Beef Consommé” the illustrations not only depict Michael and GOB as “hermanos,” they also use the likenesses of Lindsay for “hermosa” and Tobias for “hermafrodita.”
Ice’s bounty hunter ad in the Yellow Pages is conveniently adjacent from Gene Parmesan’s private investigator ad. You probably missed it the first time around, because, you know, GENE!
A nod to Winkler contributing to the coinage of “Jumping the Shark.” How is this the best GIF I could find?
Quick and subtle good times from “Staff Infection” referencing the fact that Tobias no longer has a desk and is no longer a doctor.
Arrested Development’s Charlie Brown moments are well documented. This doghouse was a nice touch, I always thought.
Schwarzenegger’s image replaced the state seal on George Michael and Maeby’s marriage certificate in “Family Ties.”
Playing off the “arm off” foreshadowing for Charlize Theron’s mentally challenged character, Rita.
The running yearbook quote gag. Always good times. Often made even more splendid by the quotes and nicknames of other classmates. Click to enlarge.
A full year before it was revealed in the season 3 finale, the show left this hint that Annyong (real name Hel-loh) would “one day” get the Bluths.