A Compendium Of Cool Comics Cosplay: February 7th

Once again it’s time for our Friday comics cosplay feature, casting the spotlight on the best comics related costumery from the cosplay community.  As always, we’re focusing on those cosplayers who we think deserve special recognition for their hard work creating the best costumes, whatever their budget, and also the work of those  photographers who capture them for posterity.

This week we’re featuring some awesome cosplay of Black Adam, Psylocke, Judge Dredd, Sabretooth, Batgirl, Huntress, Loki, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Speedy, Gambit, Mary Marvel and Deadpool.

Gamma Squad is committed to giving a voice to the cosplay community. Each week we aim to spotlight our favorite comics costumes and we encourage all cosplayers, costumers and photographers to submit pictures of their work to our Flickr group to be considered for inclusion in our regular cosplay features.

Now enjoy this week’s selection!

 Black Adam cosplay by Eric THESMOKE Moran. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Flickr Group.

 Psylocke cosplay by Vampy Bit Me, photographed by Pat Loika. Source: Flickr

 Comic style Judge Dredd cosplay by Bob Keiffer. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Flickr Group.

 Sabretooth cosplayer at Comikaze Expo 2013. Photo by Jon (av4rice). Source: Flickr

 Batgirl and Huntress cosplayed by Breathless_ness and Rae Johnson. Photography by Carlos Adama. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Flickr Group.

 Jotun Loki cosplayer at Baltimore Comic-Con 2013. Photo by Greyloch. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Flickr Group.

 Black Canary, Green Arrow and Speedy cosplayers at Emerald City Comic-Con 2012. Photo by Cliff Nordman. Source: Flickr

 Gambit cosplayer at Granite State ComicCon 2012. Photo by FirstPerson Shooter. Source: Flickr

 Mary Marvel cosplayer at Comikaze 2013. Photography by David Ngo. Source: DTJAAAAM.com

 Deadpools at Comikaze 2013. Photography by V Threepio. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Flickr Group.