While this statement comes about four years too late, at least it finally came. Krista Keller, the mother of child bride Courtney Stodden, says that looking back, she probably shouldn’t have signed the papers that granted her then-16-year-old daughter permission to marry a 51-year-old man. That man, Doug Hutchison, is why Stodden’s mother has quit as her daughter’s manager and Keller places the blame on him. Though it’s hard to imagine why.
A few days ago, Keller spoke to Radar Online saying that she wasn’t spending her daughter’s 21st birthday with her because of the bad blood between them and called their relationship “icy.” She also claimed that “external influences” were involved and that Hutchison has done “horrible things” to her (Keller, that is).
“I think that if a husband can see that there are problems between his wife and her mother I believe he should stay out of the situation.”
And then she added that this family kerfuffle is obviously her own fault:
“I do take full responsibility, however because I am the one that did sign the paper for her to marry this man. If I had to do it all over again I cannot tell you if I would be signing that paper.”
Ahhhhhhh, yes. Good timing, Mom. You might be wondering what career Keller was managing because what is Courtney Stodden known for, anyway? Besides being married, divorced, then re-engaged to a middle-aged pervert? Well, funny you should ask! Courtney Stodden does adult movies now. And I guess this is what her mother was managing? That can certainly seem awkward since I don’t know anyone who can stand to talk about sex with their mothers. But as she said, Keller blames Hutchison for the rift.
I think that when in doubt, just blame the man who married a teenager.
(via Page Six)