What would the cover for A Game of Thrones look like if the book had been written by Georgette R.R. Martin? That’s what author Maureen Johnson wanted to when she proposed her three-step “Coverflip” project.
1. “Take a well-known book. (It’s up to you to define well-known.)”
2. “Imagine that book was written by an author of the OPPOSITE GENDER. Imagine all the things you think of when you think GIRL book or BOY book or GENDERLESS book…And I’m not saying that these categorizations are RIGHT—but make no mistake, they’re there.”
3. “Now, COVERFLIP! Make the new cover and put it online. Tweet or Tumbl it with the tag #coverflip.”
It’s an interesting, only-slightly-satirical experiment that damns publishers for more often than not putting boobs on the cover of books written by men and flowers and sunshine and puppytails on those penned by women. Here are some of the funniest flipped examples.