From the New Orleans Craigslist board…
It was Saturday afternoon at the Bulldog, my girlfriend had just peed on the pregnancy test and was too nervous to wait to see the result. She gave it to me, went for a walk, and asked that I meet her outside the bar in 10 minutes so we could look at it together. I had a spare test kit and asked you to pee on it so that my GF would think she wasn’t pregnant even if she was. You obliged, and my GF was so relieved to “learn” that she was not pregnant. Thank you, THANK YOU. Also, you were sweet and adorable, and I’d love to take you out. If you’re game, please respond with the brand of the pregnancy test.
As a past purveyor of fine fake Craigslist products, I’m almost sure this is a fake, but anyone who’s ever been to The Bulldog knows that there’s a chance it might actually be real.
Chivalry is not dead, you guys!
(Thanks for the tip, Mere.)