Here Are Some Things You Probably Didn’t Know About ‘Dazed And Confused’

Ahead of the release of American Ultra, Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart’s new stoner comedy, CineFix has put together a video about the classic Dazed and Confused, with seven things we apparently didn’t know about the film. Some of the facts are a little too mellow, so below are the highlights.

– Director Richard Linklater spent more money on the first two minutes of the film than on the entirety of Slacker, by shelling out $100,000 to use Aerosmith’s “Sweet Emotion” in the opening. Aerosmith then didn’t let Linklater include the song on the soundtrack, which then sold a ton of copies.

– Linklater also wanted to depict his characters painting a Ronald McDonald statue so that it looked like KISS’ Gene Simmons, but the company refused permission. So, some obscure KISS statue joke wasn’t featured as prominently in the final cut.

– Wiley Wiggins (Mitch) lied in his audition, saying that he knew how to play baseball when he had never played before. When it came time to shoot that pivotal throw-a-pitch-then-get-a-beatdown scene, Linklater had to use a body double for Wiggins.

– Renee Zellweger had a non-speaking role in the movie (I’m sure a lot of people knew that).

– Rory Cochrane had to wear a “hat wig” to convincingly play a stoner. LOL.