Chris Christie Says Trump Was ‘Pissed Off Like I’d Never Seen Him Before’ After Obama Roasted Him Silly At The 2011 WH Correspondents Dinner

Donald Trump is just as good at taking jokes as he is at making them—in other words: not good at all. Though he happily accepted the opportunity to be roasted by the likes of Jersey Shore’s “The Situation” for Comedy Central in early 2011, provided no one insinuated that he wasn’t as rich as he claimed to be (yes, really), he wasn’t as game to be the butt of anyone’s joke just a few months later, when he and Melania attended the White House Correspondents Dinner.

If you don’t remember the details, here’s what happened: Then-president Barack Obama got up to deliver a speech, as sitting presidents (with the exception of Trump) usually do, and proceeded to take aim directly at Trump and the infamous “birther” conspiracy he invented. Trump sat there stone-faced, looking highly unamused.

If it looked like Trump was shooting daggers with his sullen eyes, that’s because he was absolutely pissed, according to Insider. In his new book, Republican Rescue: Saving the Party from Truth Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, and the Dangerous Policies of Joe Biden, former New Jersey governor and meatloaf enthusiast Chris Christie, who was at the dinner that night, says that Trump was “beside himself with fury.” He goes on to describe the situation:

“It was fascinating and excruciating all at once. [Obama] never turned his eyes away from the man who’d been questioning his right to be president. He showed no mercy on Donald Trump.”

When Christie spoke with Trump later in the evening, “He was pissed off like I’d never seen him before. Just beside himself with fury.” Which might explain why Trump opted out of attending any of these dinners when he was actually president.

(Via Insider)