Watch This Mall Easter Bunny Hand Out Punches, Not Eggs, In A New Jersey Brawl

This was the scene at the Newport Mall in Jersey City on Sunday, as somehow the mall Easter Bunny, hired to entertain children and pose for photos, became involved in a physical altercation with customers waiting in line. Or as the person filming the video, which was later posted to Twitter Sunday night, helpfully narrates: “The Easter Bunny throwin’ hands!”

The gloves were off — quite literally — as the mall bunny (now sans bunny head) can be seen throwing down his bunny paws as he approached the target of his ire, another man wearing a brown, striped shirt, delivering a punch that unfortunately just gets cut off behind a pillar.

In the second video, another man can be seen kicking at the downed bunny (“Oh he curb stomped him!”) before mall security rushed in to break things up. Suffice to say, there were probably more than a few traumatized kids at the Newport Mall this weekend for whom Easter will never be the same again.

Update: The brawl has now determined to have started after a one-year-old baby girl slipped out of the chair after having her photo taken, and the girl’s father began to “verbally and physically attack” the mall Easter Bunny.
