Eminem Ft. Kendrick Lamar – “Love Game”

The Rabbit we all once knew and loved is no more. That’s the conclusion I’ve drawn after listening to everything Eminem’s The Marshall Mathers LP 2 has to offer, ending with “Love Game” featuring Kendrick Lamar. Don’t confuse my words with hate; they aren’t.

Em’s just lost connection to all the traits that once made him Em. The Slim Shadyness that made people wince when he described murking Kim and other graphic acts of violence. The battle rap spirit in his rhymes that generated “oh shit” responses and hitting rewind. At this point, everything’s been “ewww, shit.” Sometimes, a song makes it to listenable, but none warrants repeat plays. I play it, I listen and almost immediately after it ends the mind wonders where the aforementioned characteristics drifted off to.

The struggle begins as soon as the out of place production begins on “Love Game” and continues through Em’s verse and the putrid chorus. K.Dot does his best to resurrect the song – even calling up Sherane – to make it listenable, but that’s just it. He can’t. Just like Rihanna couldn’t on “The Monster” and probably like we’ll find out with any other big name features on MMLP2. The co-stars can’t do enough to carry the show when the leading character can’t shoulder his share of the load.

The Rabbit we once knew is dead and gone.

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Previously: Eminem Ft. Rihanna – “The Monster” | Eminem – “Rap God”

* — I’m beginning to think “Rap God” was a rouse rap to make us think he still had it. All I’m realizing now is that even a broke clock is right at least twice a day.