Emotions With Jon Hamm…With Jon Hamm

Late last week our soon-to-be best friend and occasional stretcher of the truth, Jon Hamm, dropped by Conan, presumably to have the ladies fawn over him and the dudes vow to be more like him. Conan didn’t miss the opportunity to bring the popular Tumblr “Emotions with Jon Hamm” to his attention.

Clearly it bugs Conan — like it did me — that the site doesn’t actually assign any emotions to Jon Hamm’s funny expressions. So he promptly asked the Hamminator to assign the emotions himself, which he of course was happy to do.

That’s probably my favorite above. You know, because it combines two of my favorite things: daytime drinking and lazy double fisting. Full clip and the other images with emotional assignments by Jon Hamm after the jump. And if you just can’t get enough of the guy here’s the full appearance on Conan and here he is telling Elle Magazine why he hates the Kardashians, which echo my sentiments so precisely that he might as well have been reading a transcript from my living room in a much handsomer voice.

Team Coco