Facebook Is Under Fire For Refusing To Delete A Video Doctored To Make Nancy Pelosi Appear Drunk

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Facebook hasn’t been having a great year. Having faced criticism for security issues and its inability to deal with the spread of misinformation — as well as their alleged retaliation against their critics — they’re now under fire for refusing to take down a doctored video of Nancy Pelosi being spread by conservatives, including the president’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

The video takes a video of the House Speaker at a recent event for the Center of American Progress and slows it down by 75%, making it look like she’s slurring her words. According to the Washington Post, the video also changed the pitch of her voice so it would sound legit.

Once the video was debunked, social media giants were quick to take it down — except for Facebook. According to a statement released Friday, the video — which has been viewed 1.5 million times — remains on air “because false information alone does not violate the site’s rules.” Instead, they added notes from fact-checkers, pointing out the video’s illegitimacy.

That’s not enough, many feel. On Twitter, the longtime hashtag #DeleteFacebook received a shot in the arm, with people displeased with Facebook higher-ups’ handling of another doctored video pushed by conservatives.




Others were content to at least make jokes.





