Family Of The Spoiled Brat Affluenza Teen Has Started Paying Out To Victim's Families

The family of Ethan Couch — the “Affluenza” teen who twice avoided jail time and is probably now comfortably relaxing in some luxury rehabilitation facility somewhere — has reached settlement with the families of three out of the four victims their spoiled assh*le son killed while driving under the influence in June of 2013. So I guess in addition to everything else he’s been handed, this kid’s parents even bought him a drunk driving spree. How thoughtful! From Dallas News:

The Couch family agreed to pay an undisclosed amount to the families of Breanna Mitchell and Hollie Boyles and her daughter Shelby.

The family of youth pastor Brian Jennings has not reached a settlement with Couch’s family.

Jennings and the Boyleses had pulled over to help Mitchell, who had stopped after a tire blowout late June 15 in the 1500 block of Burleson-Retta Road.

The family of one of the boys flung from the truck, Sergio Molina, is also seeking damages in a lawsuit. Molina can’t move, and his family’s attorney said he requires around-the-clock care and is only “minimally conscious.”

That’s right: In addition to the four deceased, you can’t forget about the kid who is going to probably live his entire life in a vegetative state thanks to Bieber Joffrey Couch — although the last kid at least got into the vehicle on his own free will. Let’s hope none of these families getting these lucrative payouts come down with a case of “victimuenza,” which would — I don’t know — cause them to track down this kid and stone him to death? OK, let’s maybe hope for that.