All Your Favorite (And Not-So-Favorite) Versions Of Spider-Man Return In ‘Spider-Verse’

Marvel Comics

There have been many, many, many versions of Spider-Man, none of which have been as good as the tried and true blue and red Peter Parker version, but for whatever reason Marvel just loves to keep on trying. Apparently somebody wrote “Wacky new version of Spider-Man + ____________ = Profit” on the Marvel bullpen white board 30 years back and it’s just never been erased.

Anyways, get ready to see all your favorite alternate versions of Spider-Man again, because they’re all coming back in the next big Spider-Man crossover Spider-Verse. The event, featuring every Spider-Man from every universe will take place in Amazing Spider-Man and be written by head Spidey writer Dan Slott and drawn by Oliver Coipel.

So, where did this somewhat video game-ish sounding premise come from? Well, from a video game! According to Slott, Spider-Verse was inspired by Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, the game from a few years back that starred regular Spidey, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Man 2099 and Ultimate Spider-Man. I’d totally forgotten Shattered Dimensions existed — hopefully the comic book story it inspired will be more enduring.

Hit the second page for some Spider-Verse preview art…

Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics 

Yup, that’s Morlun in the preview pages, who will return as the storyline’s main villain. Spider-Verse begins this November.

via Comics Alliance