After giving us a taste just a few weeks back, The CW has released some new promotional images from The Flash that show the scarlet speedster in full costume for the first time. The final result seems to be a nice blend of the version featured in comic books and what we’d possibly see in reality. Something like Olympic athlete meets Hollywood street urchin. It’s already a lot better than the costume from that other Flash series and that makes it a success.
As for the series itself, it is currently in the pilot phase and hoping to find success alongside the other popular DC properties at The CW. From Newsarama:
The show spins-off from The CW’s successful DC Universe launch, Arrow, where Barry Allen made a two-episode guest stint in December 2013, ending in him getting fatefully doused with chemicals and struck by lightning, echoing The Flash’s classic origin. Just as Arrow has consistently added to the DC Universe on TV, Flash looks to continue that trend, with supporting cast members including a couple of people with the last names of “West” and “Thawne,” amongst others.
I’ve never been much of a DC comics guy outside of Batman and The Flash, so it’s nice to see him getting some love. Judging from what I read and hear about Arrow, the chances are high that it’ll be a quality series and some waste of time like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been for Marvel.
The full image is below and you are welcome to judge for yourself. If it doesn’t succeed past the pilot phase, which I can’t see happening, we can at least rest peacefully knowing the suit doesn’t look like total sh*t.
(Via Newsarama / The CW)