This Flower Girl Taking Off In The Middle Of A Wedding Has The Absolute Right Idea

If they say rain on your wedding day is supposed to be good luck, what kind of luck are you supposed to have when your flower girl goes rogue and decides to effectively peace out in the middle of the ceremony? This was the scene captured by Melbourne, Australia based wedding photographer Annette Burgess while filming the recent nuptials of Tom and Katie Quirk at Albert Park Lake. Just as the couple are saying their vows, the three-year-old decides she’s had enough and effectively says “f*ck this sh*t,” taking off as a bridesmaid chases behind her.

For what it’s worth, when I was five years old, I “ruined” my aunt’s wedding as a flower girl, when I refused to come out from under a table in the foyer area of the church. So if she and my uncle are still married decades later, I have hope for Tom and Katie Quirk as well. A good rule of thumb is maybe just don’t feed your flower girl pixie sticks and Mountain Dew right before the ceremony. Or if you do, make sure to bring a tranquilizer dart gun and a giant net along with you, too.

(Via Tastefully Offensive)