A Former Playmate Of The Year Was Jailed For Failing To Report Gifts From Her 86-Year Old Lover

To show that they really mean business, German tax officials made an example out of a former Playboy Playmate of the Year who may or may not have known that what she was doing was very, very illegal. Swetlana Maslowskaya received a two-year sentence for tax fraud earlier today, when the court found her guilty of failing to report a significant amount of gifts that she had received from her old boyfriend several years ago. And when I say old, I really mean old, because her boyfriend was an elderly beer tycoon named Bruno Schubert.

So just how much did Schubert shower Germany’s 2002 Playmate of the Year with treasures and riches for being his secret mistress? According to the Daily Mail, the tab that landed Maslowskaya in the clink was approximately $2.5 million, and that’s enough to make sure that she spends at least one year of her sentence in prison. Schubert passed away in 2010 at the age of 90 and left all of his money to his second wife, Meharit Kifle, who was 25 when she married Schubert in 2009.

Now, before you go painting a picture of Schubert as some kind of cradle-robbing billionaire boys club pervert, you should know that when he started cheating on his wife with Maslowskaya in 2004, she was only 22 and he was 84, so at least when he married a 25-year old at age 89, he was making a little progress. Either way, let this be a lesson to all of the aspiring trophy mistresses out there – if you’re going to fool around with a guy who was born more than six decades before you and be paid for your troubles, make sure you report it on your W9 or whatever. Because there won’t be any zucker vaters where Maslowskaya is going.