Fox Still Quietly Working On a Daredevil Reboot?

As hard as it is to believe, after the disaster that was “Elektra” and the mediocrity that was “Daredevil”, Fox didn’t have the rights to said franchise forcibly taken away from them, somehow. No, they’re still working on it.

Very quietly, but they’re still working on it.

The director is “30 Days of Night”‘s David Slade, thus maintaining Fox’s standards of hiring absolutely nobody who can actually raise a stink against the studio and win. We’d be a lot happier about this if the writer wasn’t some guy from “Fringe” named Bradley Caleb Kane, since “Fringe” isn’t exactly world-shaking, writing-wise.

Anyway, the few hints we’ve been able to gather from Twitter would indicate that, shockingly, they’re going in a noir direction. Really? Daredevil? Noir? How unexpected.

But, hey, it can’t stink worse than the first try, so there’s that.

[ via the guardian devils at Blastr ]